Wednesday 2 April 2014

Answers and Results to the Changes competition

First of all, I would like to say that I was thrilled to see how many people entered my changes competition.

I was surprised how many people thought that the ABC123 page had been changed to Guestbook, even though that has been changed for about 3 months! Another really common (false) change was that people thought I had changed my About Me page. Really? About 4 weeks ago, yes. :)

Here are the changes I made. (In no particular order.)

1.) I changed the width of my sidebar

2.) I changed the colours of the links (purple to pink)

3.) I changed the colour of my blog background to a darker purple

4.) I changed the colour of my blog description text

5.) I changed the font of my page titles in the page bar at the top of my blog

6.) I completely deleted my 'Photos' page

7.) I moved the 'follow by email' gadget up in the sidebar, and the 'total pageviews' gadget down from my sidebar to the bottom of the page

8.) I've taken away the place where you can give the blog however many stars you think it's worth.

9.) I've taken away the place where you can vote for what type of people read your blog. eg, Friend of mine, fellow chocolate lover etc.

10.) I've added 'Written just for you by Bonnie Smithies' at the end of each blog post.


The winner was...

Matthew Mischewski with 5 points! (I will email you with your prize hopefully sometime soon.)

Second place goes to:

Sophie with 2 points!

All of the rest of the entrants had 1 point each.

Well done everyone!! Lots of people commented on how hard it was... so maybe to make it easier next time you should keep a closer eye on my blog and then you'll be able to tell when I change it!


  1. Oh.
    How many people entered?

    1. I think 6. Which is more than I was expecting, lol!


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